Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inyama (Goat)

Yesterday Ryan and I had the day to our selves. We got up and went for a jog.  We ran half a mile…  Don’t judge us; this altitude is killer!  Maybe tomorrow we can do a whole mile?  Please.  Who am I kidding?  We get winded walking across the street.

We then set off to find the Blessed Mango Tree Church to take pictures of the roof being put up.  We ended up in Bugasera – which if you look at a map, you realize we definitely took a wrong turn somewhere.  It happened to be exactly the right wrong turn for me.  We drove about an hour into the countryside and boy is it beautiful.   It’s exactly what I pictured Rwanda to be: Vibrant green hillsides covered in banana trees.  A winding river through the valleys.  The lushest scenery you could ever imagine.  And tons of goats.  Okay, I didn’t actually picture all the goats, but it was nice to finally see a fuzzy face.  (We miss our dog.)

Once I had decided we had gone far enough (once my anxiety couldn’t take it any longer) we turned around and guess who drove us all the way home?  Yup.  Me!  WooWoo!  This place is the PERFECT place for woman drivers.  You get to do whatever you want whenever you want.  You can honk the horn, flash your headlights, wave your hands frantically, and drive in the oncoming traffic lane if you want to as long as you avoid hitting pedestrians – it’s a lot harder than it sounds, but so far so good.

I have been praying for some answers as to why I was here and asking Him to show me what I should be doing.  Lord, if only there was someone with whom I could effectively communicate with and who understands my profession…

Last night, our landlord called and asked if he could come by, meanwhile honking to be let into our gate.  (Hey, at least he called, right?)  He brought over a doctor friend of his, a Rwandan who studied medicine in the UK and worked there for 15+ years.  He’s an internist who specializes in diabetes, speaks perfect English, understands the Western thought process, and knows what a PA is!!!  He invited me to tour King Fasial Hospital with him on Friday morning.   
Murakoze Imana! (Thank you God!)


  1. As much as I'm going to miss you for the next three months..I absolutely love reading your blog. I'm glad you had a nice peaceful day to relax and see the countryside. Have a fabulous rest of the trip and I'll be reading. Love you two!

  2. Hi Mushumba's wife, Thanks for sharing your blog. I enjoy it very much. Looks like you guys are having a blast - even the "less enjoyable at the moment" experiences will seem funny in a couple of weeks, and you'll laugh at it all. You are keeping your sense of humor, which is important. And enjoyable for us, your readers! By the way, in case you haven't found the species name yet, I think the Kevins are Crown Cranes. Have they danced for you yet. They have an awesome mating-dance ritual. Of course they'll have to be a couple to perform that dance, I guess, and do you know if they are?
    Do me a favor - before you leave could you go and visit some more fuzzy faces in the mountains, i.e. gorillas. Wouldn't that be really cool.
    Love, also to Mushumba
    Marianne & Muganga
